Babe Tribute – Her Greatest ASSets

Urbasm salutes the booty, badonkadonk, glutius maximus, heine, and all others rear ends that fit into the category of… a nice ass. If we were to get all psychophilanthropological, we’d have to wonder what makes a perfect ass? I mean, there are just so many shapes and sizes to choose from. Is there really one that […]

Babe Tribute – Beautiful Women

Why do men love beautiful women so damn much? Well, they make us feel all tingly in the pants, feet, lips, and heart… However, beware men, as these photos may be nice to look at, but if you marry one, you’ll constantly be waiting around for her to do her voodoo-cosmetic magic before you’re allowed to […]

Babe Tribute – Sarah Elizabeth

Welcome to Spring, says Sarah Elizabeth with a smile. Prepare for those summer luaus, lazy days in the grass, sleeping in your underwear with the covers down, and hot sudsy mid-summer baths. And if Sarah is involved with any of these activities, we’re sure you’ll enjoy it all the more.

Babe Tribute – Three Boobs

Does the idea of a woman with three boobs make her hotter? You might find yourself short handed. Now wait a minute, hear us out. This is actually a thing. It’s called accessory breast. Don’t go looking, we assure your disappointed. It’s not like you can expect a hot Total Recall moment like this:   We’re not […]

Babe Tribute – Girls with Glasses

Hot girls with glasses are often found in book stores, but many guys like the hot secretary or hot librarian fantasy. They can easily go undetected, but there’s a lot of hot girls with glasses that you don’t want to miss.

What Women Want

Women are like onions. Wherever one is found, there is guaranteed to be some crying going on at some point. They are also very complex, and each layer you peel away unveils a deeper element of need and desire, which often includes affirmation, affection, and intimacy (of the non-sexual kind). Now, before we get into […]

Babe Tribute – Sexy Cosplay

What guy hasn’t thought about storming a castle with Xena the Warrior Princess, or foiling the Jokers plot with Catwoman, and then going home to peel each others sweaty latex off and kiss each others wounds. Sexy cosplay is like celebrating Halloween all year long, or partaking in S&M without the bruising, dried candle wax, […]

Babe Tribute – The Side Boob

The profile headshot is a classic photo that adds a touch of class, mystery, and respect to the old-time actresses, authors, and ass-kicking generals of yesterday. However, we wondered what would happen if you took a couple average hotties, aimed the camera a few inches lower than usual, and snapped a few shots? Low and […]

Babe Tribute – Fit Girls

In this beautiful world, there are women who exercise, those who don’t, and those who dress the part and wander around the gym worrying about their makeup streaking due to a stray ball of sweat. Well, in case you hadn’t figured out who’s who, each one of the below sexy morsels is what you’d call […]

Babe Tribute – Tatiana Gil

Urbasm is always burning the midnight oil to bring you the latest in mens gear and gals. However, instead of relying on Columbia coffee to keep us on our toes, we rely on the Colombian goddess, Tatiana Gil.