Women Tribute – Sexy

What makes a woman sexy? Is it her hair, lips, eyes, jaw, cleavage, or shape of her upper thighs?

The Do’s and Don’ts of a Great Relationship

The success of every relationship is the direct result of the actions you take. By perfecting your approach, you can increase the likelihood of fostering a successful partnership. Here are the do’s and don’ts of every great relationship. 1. Do Be Curious You begin every relationship with a certain “awe” factor and interest level. Over […]

Hotties of the Week – Yoga Pants

Yoga dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE (a.k.a. a very long time ago). The sexy pants, which are commonly worn by women during the act, were invented in the 1920s with the help of chemists Wallace Carothers, William Hanford, Donald Homes, Joseph C. Shivers and James Wray. It then took over 20 years for […]

Say No To Yoga Pants Recall

The Vancouver-based, Lululemon Athletica Inc., is prepared to get a slap on the wrist, as a shipment of their black “luon” yoga pants has been found to be defective. The fabric of the pants affected is thinner than it should be, resulting in “a level of sheerness … that falls short of our very high […]

Babe Tribute – Lisa Ramos

Lisa Ramos and Melanie Iglesias are BFF’s forever… we get that. However, if you were forced to choose only one to be trapped on a deserted island with, who would it be? Wanna take home a little piece of Melanie for yourself? Here’s a cheap one-nighter. This is a slight upgrade. And this is something that most […]

Babe Tribute – Bogdana Kovchuzhnaya

Bogdana Kovchuzhnaya is a playmate from the Ukraine, what more can you ask for?

Babe Tribute – Lara Alvarez

While many television journalists get where they are by looking and acting like Walter Cronkite, Lara Alvarez looks a bit more like a bikini model, which makes giving the bad news, that much easier to take. Alvarez is a reporter for Telecino, and holds one of the highest Twitter following of just about any other […]

Summer Girls

There is no better time of year, than the anticipation of yet another summer. What do you miss about the summer? We miss the carnivals… Hot summer nights… Summer dresses… Going bathing suit shopping… Correction: Watching other women try bathing suits on. We also miss relaxing by the water… During a sunset… With our sunglasses… And […]

It’s Yoga Pants Season

For those of you who actually have seasons; Spring can be an amazing time. Why? The opposite sex sheds her layers in favor of something a little more… seasonal. Yoga pants are a common favorite of the urban male, and these are just a few reasons why we feel so strongly about that.

Babe Tribute – Marta Gut

Marta Gut is a bikini model (and biotechnologist) from Warsaw, Poland. 90-62-88… which is European for, freaking awesome!