Supplements are common among bodybuilders and athletes. Certain supplements, when combined with a balanced diet, could help you develop muscles, improve stamina, and decrease recovery time. The efficacy of each supplement varies based on various considerations, including the formulations, individual requirements, and one’s fitness level. Supplements will only work to their full capacity if they’re […]
6 Trust-worthy Products That Will Help You Improve Your Physical Strength
Chances are you have your favorite sportsmen and athletes whose energy you can’t help but adore. You get tired merely walking a mile, and for them, even ten miles is like eating a cake. So, how do you start working on your physical strength? There are many ways one can boost physical strength and endurance. […]
21 Possible Symptoms Of Dehydration
Believe it or not, 75% of your body is made up of water. From cells to the major organs of the body, each needs water to maintain its optimal functions. This is why staying hydrated is an essential component of a healthy body. Releasing water from your body is normal. Each time you move, breathe, […]
The 7 Amazing Wonders Your Body is Capable of
The universe is filled with wondrous mysteries, but none more so than those found within our own bodies. Within each of us lies the potential to dissolve razor blades, regenerate limbs, live over 100 years, lift a two-ton vehicle, and fall from a 47 story building and live to tell about it. Would you like […]
Why Should STD Testing Become a Regular Thing You Do
STD testing is one of the most important diagnostic testings you’ll have to do in your life. There are over 20 different diseases a person can transfer through sex or blood. Additionally, more than 50% of adults, across various demographics, are sexually active. This is all the more reason for those people, even those who […]
How to Support a Friend with Cancer
Few events and discoveries in life can make you feel as helpless and tongue-tied as receiving the news that someone you love is facing a deadly disease. Few can respond with “I know how you feel, I’ve been in your shoes”, and even fewer can genuinely relate to facing a cancer diagnosis. With or without […]
KUL CBD Tincture – Cure (Relief) For What Ails You
Having our offices located in the heart of Colorado means that we are no strangers to CBD oil. If you are unfamiliar with the basics of this wonder compound, we published a crash course on the 10 things everyone should know about CBD and this is a good place to start. When we were invited […]
10 Things Every Guy Needs to Know About CBD
Even though most people consider cannabis to be a recreational drug and something that could endanger their health, the truth is quite the opposite. If you want to do something good for your body and mind, looking into CBD – cannabidiol, a compound you can find in cannabis – is the thing for you. Therefore, […]
Men’s Health Box Review 2019 – Third Year’s the Charm
The Men’s Health quarter box is still kickin’, and they’ve even got a couple of years under their belt. We wondered if its curators have allowed their box to age with beauty, practically, real usefulness, and grace. “For just one dollar a day,” you can do an awful lot of things, like sit at the […]
How to Master Napping
The nap is commonly associated with children, grandpa’s, the weak and the frail. Men like Napoleon Bonaparte, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, and John F. Kennedy. What’s that, you say? Yes, all these great men were well-known nap takers, and their naps may have been a motivating factor for at least some of their success. Did […]