4 Worst Foods for Ripped Abs

Ripped abs are not an everyday event. You don’t just spend an hour and a half in the gym five days a week, and they appear like clockwork. If that were true, most guys would have them. No, it is a landmark to pull up your shirt, and have six golden rolls of perfectly toned […]

Broga, The Yoga for Guys

Broga, is the next class you might see starting up in a gym near you. The idea was ‘thunked’ up by two yoga enthusiasts, who decided men are primarily uncoordinated, inflexible, and embarrassed to be in a room with a bunch of toned and flexible women in tight, body-hugging outfits. Okay, so two out of three I […]

Three Plants for the Urban Male

By a raise of green thumbs, how many of you guys own a plant? That’s what we thought. In today’s technologically advanced society, most guys don’t think they have any need for a plant. They’re dirty, needy, hard to please, and… well, a lot like your ex. If you wanted a plant, you would either […]

24-Hours to Perfect Health

If you think the title of this article is referring to the idea of following a few simple guidelines to be in perfect health… you would be wrong. What this article is actually trying to accomplish, is to make you realize just how much work goes into staying healthy for one single day. At best, […]

Got Hair?

Male pattern baldness is something that will affect over 50 percent of guys as some point in their lives. However, it is more than just your genes that ravage your hair over time. Things like vitamin deficiency, stress, and dry skin, can all effect the health of your mane. Beyond the wonders of minoxidil (Rogaine) […]

Rob the Cradle, and Live Longer!

Men have tried everything to look and feel younger, including buying sports cars, getting hair transplants, opting for plastic surgery, and trading-in their rusty ball-and-chain for a shackle made of leather and lace. Only one of the above actions seems to hold any real promise… robbing the cradle. The Max Planck Institute reports that men […]

5 Tips to Stay Motivated for Your Workouts

A lot of guys mean well. Sure, we’d like to be a lean slab of sirloin, but settle for a little creme filling in the middle because… well; it’s just easier that way. If you’re looking for some motivation to get into the gym more often, try these 5 (easy to do) tips. Take Off […]

Fitbit for the Manly Man

Most guys don’t like anything that reminds them about their health. We’re strong men, dammit, and we don’t need anyone to be telling us what to do… unless it is from a cute little gadget, like Fitbit. The Zip ($60) and the One ($100) can both be concealed on your belt, and will help you gauge the number of steps you take […]

Fight Fat and Win!

Guys hate diets. In fact, the words should never even enter our vocabulary, unless we are making fun of some other guy who just said it. The health media community makes diet plans to lose fat seem so complex. Do eat carbohydrates; no wait, I mean, don’t! Eat lots of red meat; no, no, allow […]

Improve Your Natural Body Odor

Where Does Body Odor Come From? It’s common knowledge that body odor comes from sweat and bacteria. The reason why parts of your body are more stinky than others, is because the body is like a food court to bacteria. Some areas (Eccrine glands) serve a healthy mix of water and salt from your arms, […]