20 of the Most Aggressive Pickup Lines Men Should Know

The last time we approached this topic, some readers said that our 25 pickup lines were a bit too subtle for the modern, aggressive, risk-taking woman they run into these days. So, this time we’re going to make sure no woman walks away without at least a smile [and occasionally the hint to your dirtiest […]

25 Pickup Lines You Should Know

The women who say they don’t like pickup lines – are not the kind you are going to attract using them (obviously). But not to worry, because there are plenty who do, such as shy, anxious, and self-conscious women. Women who are energetic, outgoing, and risk-taking. Women who are aggressive and impulsive. If any of […]

Natalie Peyton on Success, Dating and Why Women Lie More Than Men

We at Urbasm interview people for their brilliant intellect, amazing work and stunning beauty. But occasionally we are lucky enough to find an example of all three. Introducing the actress, producer, comedian, model and possible contender for the next woman president (see photo below for proof)… Miss Natalie Peyton. Urbasm: Hi Natalie, what’s going on? Natalie […]

Freddy Fairhair – Interview With Naked Guy Picking Up Girls

Freddy Fairhair has become somewhat of a household name in our office. Not because he is a style genius, or the inventor of a foolproof ab machine, but because he has mastered the art of picking up women in the nude. Well, perhaps ‘mastered’ is a bit of an overstatement, so let’s just say that he […]

How to Woo Women with a Pickup Line

Generally, the best pickup line is the one with only five letters, “Hello.” However, there is a time and place where pickup lines can actually work in your favor. By that token, they can also dig you a deeper trench to climb out of. A classic study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, put […]