Landing Your Dream Job (Video)

Landing your dream job can take a lot more than just having really great job search skills. In fact, there are a lot of things you may not have considered that can turn an ‘okay’ job into a fantastic one. Every dream job must start with a step in the right direction, and this video […]

How to Fill Out a Job Application

It has come to our attention, after a week of accepting job applicants, that the act of properly filling out these forms is becoming a dying art. This is really too bad, considering that most jobs that are worth your time, require you to impress on paper before you get the chance to dazzle in […]

Three Tips to Move Up in Your Career

Every man wants to be successful in his career. Where most guys lose their way, is finding the actual path that will lead them to this goal. Think of your success as a trial and error process. Many of the routes you find yourself on (and perhaps the one you are one right now) will […]

5 Ways To Cope With A Job You Hate

Many of us have been stuck in a job we hate, with no end to the suffering in sight. With just a few things to keep in mind, you can make it until something better comes along.   It isn’t permanent – reminding yourself this is temporary can help Make the best of it – […]

Forget Positive Thinking…

There is a reason why you are not as far along in your career as you would like to be… And it certainly is not because you haven’t been engaging in enough positive thinking. Here is a newsflash for you. It takes five compliments just to override one single negative criticism. And unfortunately, it is […]

How to Be a Man… and Kick Ass

There are a lot of naysayers out there who think that men have forgot how to kick ass. We’re not talking about grabbing a crowbar and beating the tar out of someone; but rather learning a skill, perfecting it, and then working to be the best at it. If you are ready to rise above […]

Morning Link Dump – July 18, 2013

Being a classy gentleman takes more than good  hygiene, a clean pressed suit, tie, pocket square, and the ability to form a complete sentence while texting. It takes a combination of attitude, style, experience, intuition; plus a little advice from other guys who know what they’re talking about. How to Be A Classy Gentleman – Playboy The […]

Motivate to Succeed

A lot of guys think that a successful career takes planning for the future. However, what they often forget, is that there is no substitute for living for today… and by that, we mean, get out there (now) and make success happen.

Why I Hate My Auto Dealer

It’s purely a love/hate relationship whenever I’m shopping for a new car. We all love the new car smell; the jealous look on our friends faces. However,  is it really worth it? One of the first things you’ll want do before visiting any car lot, is search the advertisements in the paper for the ones […]

Urban Males Welcome Pink Collar Jobs

What happens when a man can’t find the traditional blue-collar job; he becomes tired of the responsibility of management, or shrugs off the stereotype of a male nurse or receptionist? You get a man in a pink collar, which describes the traditional female-dominated career, such as dental hygienist, librarian, licensed nurse, or paralegal. Statistics suggest […]