Where Can You Find a Good Pumpkin Ale?

It’s that time of year again, and we’ve been ‘jonesing’ for a cold pumpkin ale, and you know what, there just aren’t that many of them out there. And the worst part is, if you do find one, you’ve got about a 20 percent chance of it tasting half of a decent. To keep you […]

5 Signs You Should Break Up with Her

We’ve seen you moping around behind your girl. You got your tail between your legs, an armful of shoes, jewelry, and cosmetics; and look like you are just three steps away from collapsing and having a three-year-old’s tantrum. Here’s the problem. While we can see it; you may not be able to. They say that […]

Heineken X Krups Countertop Sub

It is amazing the length a man will go in order to pour a cold glass of beer. The Heineken X Krups Countertop Sub is a giant pressurized vessel fashioned out of aluminium, heat, and sweat. If you take one of these and load a live “Torp” into it, which is a metal cylinder filled […]

Apple Unveils the iPad Air

Air is an untold hero. It is essential to all life and gadgets, yet we rarely sit down to give it the credit it truly deserves. Well, today we praise Air in the form of the newest iPad. The iPad Air features the A7 Chip, which delivers up to two times the performance in a […]

5-Minutes with Roberta Mancino- Cover Girl to the Extreme

When people refer to Roberta Mancino as a ‘cover’ girl, what they are really saying,  is that you have to learn to take cover if you plan on hanging out with her, as you never know what she’ll have in store for any given day. Mancino has willingly leaped into the blue sky with nothing […]

How to Do Push-Ups Like a Man

Have you ever seen the average guy do 20 push-ups? It’s like watching a beached whale try to rock himself off a rocky shoreline. Don’t be this guy. Learn how to do push-ups like a man, by following the advice of personal trainer, Max Tapper. View How to Do a Basic Push-Up on Howcast

5 First Date Mistakes Men Make

First dates are great until you make that first mistake. Especially when you realize that most women don’t give a guy a second chance. These are five of the most common mistakes men make, and we strongly suggest that you not do them anymore… starting with: Using Your Phone– Admit it, you leave your phone […]

Landing Your Dream Job (Video)

Landing your dream job can take a lot more than just having really great job search skills. In fact, there are a lot of things you may not have considered that can turn an ‘okay’ job into a fantastic one. Every dream job must start with a step in the right direction, and this video […]

What Every Bachelor Pad Needs

Hey bachelors, do you know what you need? Yeah, we’re talking to all you guys with that wire wine rack sitting on your kitchen counter. Don’t you think that one of these wine cellars would compliment your image with a little more class?

9 Sexy Ads You May Have Missed

Most commercials can put you to sleep. If we were to buy some swamp land in Florida, or more likely, some swamp water in a fancy bottle, we’d want to make sure the experience was worthy of our efforts. Here are nine sexy ads, in which we may or may not know exactly what they […]