Funkybod- A Muscle Shirt for Guys Who Don’t Have Muscle

Women have their Spanx girdles and pushup bras, while men have their easy six-pack devices, and padded muscle shirts (appropriately called Funkybod). We don’t see the big deal. However, we do want to pose this one question. Let’s say this shirt works, and you convince a hotty to hookup at your bachelor pad. Do you […]

How a Nice Guy Can Still Treat em’ Mean & Keep em’ Keen

If you’re reading this, you are probably a NICE GUY who is trying to connect with women, but whatever you’ve been doing so far just isn’t working. I understand how frustrating that is. You want to be the man who can draw women to him. but, let me give you some insight… The men who travel in dating’s fast lane don’t […]

7 Things to Never Pay Full Price For

What if you didn’t have to sacrifice your time to save money. Would you do it? We thought so. Herein are the seven things you should never pay full price for, along with several tips on how to perfect the art of frugality without sacrificing your style. Automobiles An automobile is the second biggest purchase […]

3 Ways to Be Happier At Work

One of the biggest reasons that men fail at their career, is a lack of inspiration and happiness. If you are not happy with where you are now, your only options are to move on, or make the most of where you’re are. Here are 5 tips to be happier in any career. 1. Take […]

When Art-Deco Design Meets Bold Bachelor

Something positively tingly happens when art-deco meshes with the right bachelor.

iHome iP4 iPod/iPhone Speaker Dock Boombox

The only problem with the classic style boombox is that they were both extremely heavy and mediocre sounding. So, if you were to update such a masterpiece, you would naturally keep the style and carry bar; upgrade the technology, and leave off the tape deck. The iP4 is a retro-tech sound dock for your iPhone […]

Non-Urban Bachelor Pads

The backdrop of a city is just one interpretation of how a modern bachelor pad should be represented.        

Hotties of the Week – Innocent

A beautiful woman with the look of innocence can have interesting effects to a man.

Hottie of the Week – Misa Campo

The lovely Misa Campo is a model from Montreal and lives in California. If you’re wondering about her lineage, she’s Filipina Dutch.

Happy Hour Watches, Because it’s Five o’Clock Somewhere

  In just a few short days, Happy Hour is officially revealing their revamped line of watches, and we thought you might like a sneak peek. The Lightweight is a classic styled watch, with a patent pending bottle opener located on the buckle. It features a canvas strap with leather lining, and comes in three colors: […]