Moment iPhone Case is the Future of Photography

When was the last time you dragged out your hefty and bulky DSLR camera to take a few pics? Yeah, we’re with you; almost never. The iPhone has become one of the most popular cameras in the world today; And it’s about time it starts to act the part. Introducing the Kickstarter project called the Moment […]

Stormi Michelle on Men, Turn Ons and Being the Girl Next Door

We have a crush on the girl next door, Stormi Michelle. We’ve seen her in the backyard tending to her daisy’s in a bikini. We’ve noticed her getting the morning paper in a white negligee and black stockings, and have caught her running through our sprinklers in a white tank top after her morning jog. […]

Let The Games Begin

With #SuperBowlXLIX less than a week away, we’re psyched for game time. The SeaHawks face the Patriots in what many anticipate to be a great game, with an expected 185 million to tune in. This one’s almost too close to call, with the SeaHawks strong defense, but the Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has been on fire lately, having thrown […]

Dreadnought – Because The Ultimate Shave Requires the Ultimate in Tools

Recently we took the Dreadnought challenge. Well, they didn’t really challenge us to anything. It was more like we challenged ourselves to see if the tools really mattered that much when it comes to a great shave. We’re simple modern guys, who are minimalists in practice. We shave with electric razors, and when they finally […]

Ashley Alexiss on Curves, Dating and What Every Man Should Know

Speeding along any curvy road can be a risky predicament, especially when you’re not wearing your seat belt. For this reason, we highly recommend that you strap yourself to the nearest tree stump before we unleash you onto the treacherous terrain of glamour/lingerie model, Ashley Alexiss. Boasting a caution rating of DD, and a fun […]

Misfit Shine Review – Simplicity Can Be to Your Benefit

When I decided I wanted to get an activity tracker to help me keep track of my gym and sleep habits, I was faced with a lot of decisions. Did I want a digital watch, a palette of colors, multiple features, or brand approval (Nike, etc.)? Did I want it to be rechargeable, waterproof, feature […]

Cadillac Prepares to Unleash the Hounds

It used to be ‘dad’s car. But you’ve grown up a lot since then. You’ve matured, gained new experiences, and have hopefully become a better man because of it. Are you a better man than dad? Well, you’re hopefully more refined, considering all those years you’ve had to learn from him. Kind of like the […]

How to Seduce Women – The Wing Girl Dishes On What Most Dating Coaches Get Wrong

Marni Kinrys, from the Wing Girl Method, has been coaching men on the art of meeting women successfully for years. She is a best selling author, the host of the popular Ask Women Podcast, and most importantly, we think she knows what she’s talking about. Guys have been relying on other men to tell them […]

Hats Off to Goorin Brothers

The gentleman’s hat has made a comeback, and if you weren’t already on the train when it left the station back in 1885, Ben Goorin of Goorin Brothers. has sent another one around for you. But it’s not like there haven’t been plenty of opportunities. After the 80s band had their good hair day and […]

Louis Vuitton Designs a Superluggage With Your Name on it

You know the type of guy who likes to monogram his initials into everything he owns. He is confident, proud, no-nonsense, and even though we sometimes make fun of him; deep down we wish we were more like him. There are two times when a man has the opportunity to make a killer impression. When […]