Broga, is the next class you might see starting up in a gym near you. The idea was ‘thunked’ up by two yoga enthusiasts, who decided men are primarily uncoordinated, inflexible, and embarrassed to be in a room with a bunch of toned and flexible women in tight, body-hugging outfits. Okay, so two out of three I […]
Hottie of the Week – Jessica Rafalowski
Five years ago, Miss Jessica Rafalowski was working her stuff on the Miss Florida stage, and came away with the win. Today, she continues to model, is the marketing manager for an Aerospace manufacturing company, and is an avid public speaker for women. She likes her guys tall (over 6 feet), lean, with muscular legs a […]
Corsets, DJ’s, and Offensive Advertisements Roundup
As you wind down to your Friday, allow Urbasm play you a little lullaby. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up her corset pin – Maxim Down dropped the needle And the turntable started to spin – Sharp Out came her father and shut the music down And the itsy-bitsy spider went home with just a frown – Heavy
Myths of Getting Ripped!
You May Have Heard Wrong! If your current regime to get ripped isn’t working, you may be relying on four of the most common myths. Myth 1– One of the biggest Myths is that cholesterol and fat should be avoided at all costs. You need some fat and cholesterol for your body to function, including producing hormones, […]
Robot Driving Companion for the Lonely
All those nights alone… Polishing their pocket pens… Blowing up their girlfriends… Sitting outside some sorority chick’s house in a Toyota Prius… Has finally brought them to this lowly state! Researchers at MIT are working on a new project dubbed AIDA, which stands for, Affective Intelligent Driving Agent. It is basically a robot companion designed […]
Fast & Furious 6 Coming in May 2013
The next edition of the Fast and Furious film series is set to release on May 24, 2013. The director, Justin Lin, has brought much of the original cast together, including raising one from the dead. This gives Fast 6 the cast bragging rights of Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Paul Walker, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese […]
Hottie of the Week – Daniela de Jesus Cosio
Most of us travel down to the Southern borders to experience the thrill of a real fiesta. and an authentic (knock you on your ass) margarita. However, had we known that Daniela de Jesus Cosio, was cruising the beaches back in those days, we might have wore some deodorant, and brushed up on our dirty Spanish. “Quiero […]
Tips for Scoring with the Ladies
To score with a sexy lady (or two), without much fuss or muss (a.k.a. cash bucket loads), you’ll need at least three things: 1. Clean, clear, and blemish free skin (she can see through your beard, so don’t try to hide it)- Ask Men 2. A ripped physique (a.k.a. free of any reference to the […]
Three Plants for the Urban Male
By a raise of green thumbs, how many of you guys own a plant? That’s what we thought. In today’s technologically advanced society, most guys don’t think they have any need for a plant. They’re dirty, needy, hard to please, and… well, a lot like your ex. If you wanted a plant, you would either […]
Man’s Travel Roundup
The man on the go has several things to consider before he sets off on a trip (be it business or pleasure). We’re talking about such common concerns as, which luggage to bring, how to entertain himself while waiting for the plane, and whether or not his luggage is even going to be along for […]