She was afraid to come out of the locker… She was afraid that somebody would see. She was afraid to come out of the locker. But she really, really, really needed to pee. She wore an Itsie- bitsie, teenie-weenie, blue, green, pink, and black with sparkles bikini… That she wore for the first time on […]
Light a Fire in the Bedroom
A lot has been said about rekindling the romance in your relationship. However, with the in-depth coverage of the topic in just about every woman’s magazine on the planet, you begin to get the feeling that it may not be as easy as you thought. Studies suggest that behind most every boring relationship are two […]
An End to the Minute-Man
If you’re a man, and have heard the word, “Already?” during your love-making sessions, you just may be a minute-man. The good news is that you are not alone. Looking at much of the research out there, if you take away the BJ to get ready, the introduction stage of getting in the motions, and […]
Never Judge A Woman By Her Appearance
When you read an article title like this, a lot of different things may be cascading through your mind. What we are referring to is the idea that ugly women fit best with ugly guys, average women are boring, and sexy women are reserved for George Clooney. What you need to understand about women, is […]
The Art of Betrayal, The Secret History of M16
If you don’t already have this book on your summer reading list, we would highly recommend it for any fan of history or James Bond. The author, Gordon Corera, a BBC News security correspondent, takes you through the transformation of history since WWII, and we’re talking about the men and women who actually had a hand […]
Women We Love – Kate Upton Golden Ratio
We know what you’re here for, but first, the remarkable discovery that Kate Upton’s breasts (a.k.a. boobs) have proven the golden ratio. Now that we have that out of the way, keep scrolling down. Name: Kate Upton Bra size: 34D Height: 5 ft 10 in Weight: n/a Occupation: Model, actress OK, where’s the Kate Upton pics? And […]
We Love Melanie Iglesias
We here at Urbasm are big fans of Melanie Iglesias. In fact, you might say we are just a few short weeks away from quitting our jobs, sitting around in our underwear, and trying to photoshop naked pictures of her to satisfy our curiosity. However, when we pull aside our testosterone, and connect with our […]
Kale Chips, The Junk Food of Champions
Kale is crunchy in nature, slimy when fried, and damn good when baked with the right spices. Excess carbs have no place in your diet when your goal is to reach maximum ripped abs, toned arms, and sculpted chest. These are the moments when the tough get tougher, and the hungry get creative. Today’s recipe […]
Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens Get Dirty
The innocence of youth is none so sweet as when it is finally tarnished with a teenage film about sex, alcohol, drugs, guns, cops, and bare skin accessorized by some dental floss and denim. We’re talking about the film Spring Breakers (2012), starring James Franco, Ashley Benson, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, and a handful of […]