Hotties of the Week – MMA Ring Girls

We love hot MMA girls. They are sexy, hardcore, and don’t mind if you forego lifting the seat in the morning (they prefer to squat- so we’re told).

Hottie of the Week – Daniela Tamayo

Daniela Tamayo is New York born, and Colombian raised. She owns her own restaurant in Medellin, and as it would appear, she’s got a side business of lounging around, looking hot in lingerie and bikinis. Miss Tamayo makes us want to buy a one way ticket to Colombia to meet her. The lovely Daniela Tamayo is […]

Hottie of the Week – Jennifer Walcott

Miss August 2001, Jennifer Walcott, has her own website, and for a small fee, you can peruse her candid photos all you want. Or, if you’re cheap like us, you can enjoy the free (work friendly) version below.

Hottie of the Week – Jessica Cediel

Jessica Cediel is a television host, model, and recipient to a botched “butt job,” which left some fans rather worried about her derriere. As it turns out, this mishap has created a bit of a bump in her sexy career. However, we suspect her butt will one day make a glorious return. It just may need a […]

How to Navigate Your Grocery Store for Better Health

At the root of belly fat is poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. We’ve given you advice on putting together a manly workout at home, staying motivated, achieving a six-pack, and maintaining it. Today, we’re going to be talking about conquering the battleground, otherwise known as your local grocery store. We hate to tell you […]

Duct Tape, Tattoo, Fake Boobs, & JWoww

What does a roll of duct tape, a pair of fake boobs, a tattoo, and Jersey Shore’s, Jenni “JWoww” Farley, have in common? Well, apparently then may save the world from people’s voices being silenced, and judging by the reactions this photo has received, we’d say that she’s definitely got some people talking. The NOH8 campaign has been […]

Hottie of the Week – Tanit Phoenix

You might know Tanit Phoenix from films like DeathRace 2 and others, and think you’ll agree this South African model and actress has many talents.

Hotties of the Week – Redheads

Red hair is a genetic mutation… of the best kind! Less than two percent of the U.S female population would be considered a true redhead. Of the sixty percent of women who dye their hair. Six percent go blonde, seven percent go brunette, and thirty percent become redheads. The other colors, we could care less about. […]

Sexy Ads

The jungles are fierce with bikini clad hunters, searching for that one perfect man. A man who believes in burning bras. A man who fantasizes about Kate Upton and Carl’s Jr. A man who seeks the one true aphrodisiac, which consists of simply pressing the button on top of a $5 can of deodorant, and […]

Lonely Men, Love, Dolls

There are billions of lonely men in the world. Research suggests that the average man can expect to experience feelings of loneliness at least 50 days out of the year, and the more lonesome losers he knows, the more lonely he is likely to become. Think of loneliness as a bad cold, which can be […]