Save for your retirement Lift weights / cardio Stretch for Flexibility Take care of back knees and hips Meditation and breath work Prioritize family Invest in your relationships Invest in community and friendship Focus on good sleep Eat Good Save and invest Say what needs to be said, and apologize for what shouldn’t have been […]
A Message on Drinking Over the Holidays
As we get close to the holidays, there is always an increase in alcohol-related tragedies that could have been avoided. Whether fueled by having too much of a good time with friends and co-workers, or attempting to relieve depression that has been brought on by a rough time in life, Urbasm would like to take […]
Using Your Superpower to Give Thanks And Change the World for the Better
This Thanksgiving as your mind wanders to the yearly task of catching up with friends and family, eating heartily, and looking forward to the holiday season ahead. We invite you to take an opportunity to look over the previous year, consider both your wins and losses and express the gratitude that is due. We know […]
How to Dress Like a Gentleman for the Holidays and Every Day
In order to become a perfect gentleman, a man must know his boundaries, strengths, character, and most definitely his way around a closet. And if you want to understand the essentials of style you’ve got to ask the experts, and today we’ve got two of them. Zach Falconer-Barfield, the Founder and First Gentleman of The […]
50 Greatest Modern Day Playboys and Past Casanovas
There’s a certain type of man that doesn’t seek relationships, his quest is sexual in nature, and his interests lie in sexual domination (sexual addiction). Some call him a Casanova, playboy, womanizer, or even a lady-killer. Either way, he represents a select group of men who are (perhaps) unable to be fulfilled through a meaningful […]
Ultimate Grooming Gift Guide For Guys
Movember is on the way and now is the time to begin preparing for the beard or mustache of your dreams. We mention ‘preparation’ because not every man can just grow such a beard within the confines of his own genetics. Amazing facial hair is a lot like the hair on the top of your […]
Colorado’s Greatest Fall/Autumn Drives and Road Trips
When was the last time you loaded up your vehicle and had a proper Fall/Autumn road trip through the Rocky Mountains? We know that Colorado used to be a hidden treasure chest of precious metals, but today most of that treasure has been cashed in. In fact, many of Colorado’s ghost towns and mining areas […]
Hidden Causes for Shedding Hair and The Fix for Hair Loss
Hey guys, run your hand through your hair and then count the strands that you see. You know, as a man ages, he can be sure of three things: death, taxes, and less hair (not all men go bald, but it is rare to keep ALL your hair). And while taxes should hopefully be the […]
How to Grill the Perfect Summer Steak
Being a great hunter is only a portion of the equation to being a man. The one thing that stands between even the greatest hunter and a great meal is his ability to both prepare and grill it to perfection. A raw slab of meat plus an open fire = food for survival. But a […]
Father’s Day: 20 Coolest Dad’s in Film
There are fathers you admire, fathers who embarrass, fathers you could learn from, and fathers who leave you behind with decades of therapy. But the kind of father we hope you’ve had, and know you want to be – is a man who is a real softy. He may appear stiff and rugged from the outside, but […]