What would it be like to spend some time getting to know the popular Instagram model, Anna Casey? We’ve been wondering this for a while, and so we thought it was time to bring this dream to a reality. You may know that she hails from Russia and has found a warm haven in California, but you may not know much more than that. And that’s because Anna is a bit of an introvert. I know, we couldn’t believe it either. And she also reads the bible, doesn’t watch much tv, and enjoys spending time in her bedroom more than anywhere else.
Okay, now look at the top photo of Anna once again and wonder to yourself what else you could be missing out on. And we did, and this is what happened next…
Urbasm: Hi Anna, congratulations on accomplishing so much over the last several years. If you could sum up that experience as your most proud moment, what would that be?
Anna Casey: My proudest moment is being a mom. Giving life to another human being and helping raise her is truly amazing.
Urbasm: And what about your most embarrassing?
Anna Casey: Well, I have a lot of embarrassing moments.
Urbasm: That’s not good.

Anna Casey: I am Russian and English is my second language and sometimes what I want to say is not what I actually say. By saying that, I think I have offended a lot of people.
Urbasm: English is our first language, and we offend people too. Tell us what you have planned for the remainder of 2021?
Anna Casey: I am really excited to start traveling again. This is the longest time I have gone without traveling.
Urbasm: How many countries have you been to?
Anna Casey: I have been to over 30 countries in my life and still so excited to visit more new places. I also want to travel more for work, and combining traveling and working with international companies is something I want to continue to pursue.
Urbasm: Do you think that your success has been more about who you know or how well you know yourself?
Anna Casey: Well, when I came to the US I did not know anyone, while knowing people does help I think knowing what you want is more important and not taking no for an answer.
Urbasm: What do you think has been the key to your success?
Anna Casey: The key to my success has been staying true to myself, my vision, and a lot of hard work. It does help that I am beautiful but I do not only rely on my looks but also strive to improve and learn in all I do.
Urbasm: Okay, what would you say is your hidden superpower?

Anna Casey: I do not give up. If I want something I work hard and obsess over it until I get it. A lot of people give up. I never give up.
Urbasm: What has been the key to finding balance in your life while being secluded during COVID?
Anna Casey: Well, I have a few things that matter to me, loved ones and family, health, and my work. As long as I am giving my all to these things then I am in balance. Covid has changed just the way I go about expressing my love for those things. I have had to get creative working out and still being connected to loved ones, but that is just refocusing your energies in different ways.
Urbasm: What is the inspiration behind some of our favorite photos of you? And just to be clear, they are ALL our favorite photos.
Anna Casey: I try to find new inspiration in every shoot. Whether I am modeling high fashion or swimwear. I look for things that get me motivated and excited. Feeling sexy is something that always inspires me and the photos always come out the best then.
Urbasm: And since you brought up feeling sexy, in what ways do you find a man sexy?

Anna Casey: I love a man that is funny and has a positive attitude in life. I love a driven man that works hard and plays hard.
Urbasm: Does it help a man if he possesses certain knowledge of wine, history, or something else?
Anna Casey: I want him to be well educated but he does not have to be the smartest person in the room. Confidence is sexy to me.
Urbasm: Anna, we’d love it if you’d join us for a 60-second speed round. Ready… Set… Go!
Who/What is Your Favorite…
Book? Bible Film? Anything Romantic Superhero? Superman Television character? Don't really watch TV Guilty pleasure? Rose and chocolate Place on earth? Paris Room in your home? My cozy bed in my bedroom Food? Anything and everything my man cooks for me
Would You Rather…
Cake, pie, or cookies? Cookies Morning or night? Night Bath or Shower? Bath Bath Bath Warm or cold? Warm Dinner or dancing? Dinner Macho or Sensitive? Both. Depends on the situation. Handsome or influential? Handsome

Urbasm: What are three things that every man should know about you?
Anna Casey: I am probably smarter than you, I don’t rely on my looks but inside work hard to have the life I want, and I am an introvert and most people take that as I am stuck up but I am really not.
Urbasm: Now, what are three things a man should know about women in general?
Anna Casey: Women need love, to be treated well, and to feel safe. Guys buying expensive things for use is nice but if you don’t do the other things then those just don’t matter.
Urbasm: And finally, what are three things that a man should know about himself in order to be a better man, according to you?
Anna Casey: Be confident and be you, do not try to be someone else for a woman to like you. Be you and know who you are. Life is much better when you live for yourself and the right girl will be attracted to that.
And we have to admit that we have still only scratched the surface of who Anna Casey is. To continue your journey of discovery we recommended joining her on her Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube channels.
And now we leave you with a behind the scenes look at Ana Casey doing what she does best:

About Dr. Eric J. Leech
Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.