STD testing is one of the most important diagnostic testings you’ll have to do in your life. There are over 20 different diseases a person can transfer through sex or blood. Additionally, more than 50% of adults, across various demographics, are sexually active. This is all the more reason for those people, even those who are not so active, to get tested for STDs routinely.
Here are some of the reasons why regular STD testing is important:

There Are Many Types of STDs
Usually, people would want to get tested if they’re showing symptoms akin to that of a person infected by a type of STD. However, not all diseases don’t have obvious symptoms, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, but can tremendously affect a person’s health. Testing can determine the type of infection you may have and get treated right away. Furthermore, because of the number of diseases that are easily transmitted through sex, it’s possible that these diseases mirror other infections and would not be that easy to diagnose unless you’re looking for it specifically.
It’s Not Complicated
There are a lot of types of testing for different types of STDs. Some may require a swab test, blood samples, or just a urine sample to comply with the tests. Many laboratories or diagnostic clinics conduct these tests, and some provide more convenience by offering online STD screening, which is affordable and secure. You will be able to get any test you require, though you don’t have to get tested for all of them. You can consult with your doctor, who can advise you on what tests you’ll need based on their interview questions and symptoms.
Knowing Can Prevent Long-term Health Problems
An essential prerequisite in treating a problem is to diagnose it correctly first. Although testing will not cure nor prevent you from getting the disease in the first place, early detection can prevent complications associated with it in the long run. It will also help you to prevent it from spreading to your sexual partners. Many untreated STDs can have serious consequences, and sometimes those that are treated too late may cause irreversible issues. This includes infertility, cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, liver failure, and cardiovascular damage. It’s also especially dangerous for pregnant women to be left untreated with STDs as it can cause ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and other complications.

Tests and Treatment Are Readily Available
Suppose you’re not comfortable with talking to your doctor or healthcare provider about your sexually transmitted infection unless you’ve confirmed it. In that case, there are tests available that won’t ask too many questions. They respect your privacy and will only do tests that you require them to. However, if it’s proven that you were infected, you must get in touch with your doctor right away for treatment.
STD is a sensitive topic, but it’s also important to get clear answers. This is because the disease doesn’t only affect you but has great potential of affecting or changing the lives of your partner or those whom you’ve been intimate with. But many STDs are curable as long as you’re able to seek medical attention right away.