Nowadays, face care has become a popular subject for men. With this, men have become more interested in looking for the essential tools to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and imperfections. This trend has led to the innovation of male skin products and treatments.
As more trends are introduced, men have begun incorporating these into their routines. Even beard facials have become a popular trend as of late. The majority of men are leveling up their game and getting a fuller, healthier look for their beards.
The Beard: Then and Now
The beard is a natural shield for some of the sensitive areas of the face, particularly the mouth and the lips. Thick, rich beards serve as a buffer against certain elements that may target the face.
The beard has always symbolized masculinity and had significant cultural relevance. For instance, in Celtic tribes, the beard was so important that Otto the Great swore by his beard whenever he would speak information of high importance.
Today, men have learned how to look after their beards. Men are utilizing the best tools to make the most out of their facial hair. Likewise, men are now fond of styling their beards in many glorious ways. The beard is no longer reserved for the woodsman or the lumberjack. Men have now recognized the importance of taking care of their beards and gaining control over it.
The Effects of Your Shaving Routine on Your Beard Health
There are a lot of men who prefer to sport a beard. To help them out, these men usually utilize beard tools that aid in the process of growing out their facial hair. Such beard-care tools are easily accessible and available from vendors like GroomAndStyle.com.
However, not everyone has the option of growing out a beard, either because of dress code restrictions or because they cannot grow a full beard. For the majority of men, the decision actually boils down to both personal comfort and preference. Some opt to shave their facial hair as often as they can—for them, there is no point in retaining it when it contributes to hassle and needs extra maintenance. The time to consider shaving is when your stubble starts to bother you.
Regardless of your choice, you might have noticed that your shaving routine has had an impact on your beard’s health. Curious enough? Read on.
The Bad Effects of Shaving
- No more sun protection
It is a well-known fact that the harsh UV rays of the sun are detrimental to the skin. This is why sporting a beard can be helpful. Researchers from the University of Southern Queensland have claimed that beards can prevent approximately 95% of UV rays from reaching your skin. Of course, you should still wear your sunscreen—however, having a beard could help out on those days that you forget.
Regularly shaving your beard may remove valuable protection from harmful UV rays. This is particularly true if you always go outdoors. Without your beard, you may be more susceptible to acquiring harmful UV exposure. Though the degree of blockage may vary depending on the thickness and density of your beard hair, your beard still adds protection. Dave Harvey, M.D, a Piedmont dermatologist, stated that a portion of scattered light may be blocked due to the presence of facial hair.
In addition, your beard may prevent you from acquiring sunburn, fine lines, hyper pigmentation, and wrinkles.
- Removes warmth
Beards are a great alternative to keep you warm and may spare you from certain viruses. Generally, the best way to keep warm is to secure a scarf around your mouth area and nose. However, what if you forget your scarf? This is where your beard takes center stage. The length and fullness of your beard contributes some insulation against the cold. Hence, frequent shaving may prohibit you from acquiring that layer of security on your mouth region. This is particularly true when you shave off your entire beard.
- Susceptible to acne
A beard may help to prevent the appearance of acne. Apart from the fact that it causes dryness and cuts, a razor can bring acne-producing bacteria on your face. These bacteria may form red spots with surface pustules. This inflamed hair follicle is called folliculitis.
Folliculitis is a skin condition that may stem from improper, frequent shaving. Acne and its variants are kinds of folliculitis. To avoid aggravating their skin, men should know how to correctly groom themselves. If you really want to sport a beard for good health, consult and asked an experienced barber for some grooming tips and tricks.
- Hinders skin moisture
Hair follicles produce oil. This may stimulate thicker skin growth that prevents breakage and flaky skin, and it keeps your facial skin healthy by naturally moisturizing it. Likewise, the beard’s naturally-produced moisture may help slow down aging in the face.
In contrast, frequent shaving reveals the pores and causes in-grown hairs. This may all lead to skin dryness and promote itchiness. This may also potentially lead to acne breakouts due to skin irritation. Furthermore, shaving may make your skin feel rough, itchy, and flaky. This may result in cracks and imperfections.
The Good Effects of Shaving

- Prevents skin breakouts and skin irritation
Facial hair may clog the pores of the skin underneath. As an outcome, the sweat and oil secreted from these hairs is often blocked from getting out.
Likewise, dust and dirt get trap on the beard. This may settle into your pores and may cause skin infections. This condition may further lead to itchiness which may compel you to scratch them. Unfortunately, all of these scenarios may lead to rashes and blemishes under your beard.
This is why you need to look after your beard. Regular shaving may be regarded as a healthy, hygienic habit for some men.
- Provides health exfoliation
Facial hair may block the shedding of dead cells underneath the skin. If they remain there for a long time, your skin may become rough and dull. As these dead skin cells pile up, the quality of your skin may be disrupted. This may lead to skin conditions like rashes, acne, and itchiness.
As a regular part of your face care routine, shaving can be good for your skin. The slide of the razor not only gets rid of hair, but it removes dead skin cells at the same time. This may lead to regular exfoliation that can result to fresher, smoother skin. This, therefore, eliminates the possibility of acne and offers soft and healthy-looking skin.
- Makes you look young and clean
Beard maintenance is challenging, as is growing one. You need to give it ample attention for it to grow in a well-defined, sleek manner. Your beard requires a separate maintenance routine. Notably, you cannot just wash your beard every time you put shampoo on your hair. The products for facial hair are different for the ones you commonly use on your head, and using your normal shampoo on your beard may dry it out and make it frizzy. You will also have to carefully oil your beard to keep it soft and moisturized.
Hence, if you do not have the spare time or energy to attend to this, you may want to opt for a clean slate. Shaving still requires some time and effort, but you may be well-practiced enough to get through the motions quickly.
A bare face may also help you to look neat and fresh. Furthermore, research has shown that sporting a beard may physically make a man older. Silly as it might sound, shaving may transform you back to your more youthful years.
- Encourages you to be more productive
Having a shaving routine sets your mind in the mood for work. It contributes to productivity and motivates you to check off things from your daily agenda. Likewise, a carefully trimmed or shaved beard may make you look smarter and more professional—this is especially applicable if you are working in the corporate industry.
Moreover, a lot of men find it hassle to have half of their face covered with hair. They feel a specific weight on their face when their beard grows out. This can be uncomfortable and uneasy to deal with. Hence, shaving your beard may make you feel lighter and hygienic.
Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Beard
Apart from shaving or trimming it up, you incorporate these simple tips into your routine.
- Choose the right cleanser for your beard.
- Moisturize your face regularly.
- Have adequate sleep to combat stress.
- Have a healthy diet that will nourish hair growth.
Final Thoughts
Your beard health contributes not only to your overall look, but it also affects your comfort, motivation, and confidence.
Hence, regardless of your shaving preference, ensure that your beard is well-taken cared of with tools and techniques that bring out its best form. Beard maintenance may be tricky; but, with the right grooming routine, you may be able to manage it.