We’ve had a lot of time on our hands lately, which has forced us into further isolation. But this sad story does not end with an even sadder one, as our isolation efforts have also helped us unearth a few amazing discoveries from the pits of a few of our favorite websites.
We’re talking about knowledge on how to cut your own hair, pair the perfect beer to a steak, and what careers are actually ‘booming’ right now as the world prepares to end. We know that you’ve got plenty of time to spare these days – but we implore you not to waste one minute of that.
And this is how we suggest you accomplish that today.
Virtual Workout Lessons For Free with Chris Hemsworth
20 Best Cheap Wines (under $20) for 2020
Barbers Guide to Cutting Your Own Hair at Home
Real Women Dish on What is the Most Unatractive Body Part in Men
How to Unplug When Working from Home
Booming Business at the End of the World
How to Choose the Right Condom Size
Head Start on Tomorrow’s Lessons…
Productive Work From Home Gear