After many years of research, science finally tells us what the characteristics and personality traits are that will lead to the most amount of sex in your lifetime. Sound interesting? You’re damn right it is.
Today we can say that one of the worst mistakes men make on a first date, is they fail to pay attention to the things that really matter to women. For instance, I bet you are under the impression that most women are impressed by good looks, a strong physique, a load of cash in your wallet, and a nice car to serve as her chariot. Sound about right?
And while we’re on the topic, have you ever thought about how all that stuff takes a lot of time out of your day? All that primping and preening, going to the barber, working out at the gym, late nights at the office. And you want to know what all that hard work really results in? It just takes the place of all that time you could be using to have more sex.
According to a well-executed study in Queensland, Australia, who sat down with 4,500 men and women and began to formulate the reason why some men tend to get more sex than others. They looked at their social status, physical appearance, and a lot of other things that men think women give a damn about, and what scientists had to say is that women care most about these three things:
- A man must be socially inept, adaptable, and appropriate during face to face communication. This has nothing to do with his smartphone antics and cleaver texting, but rather knowing how to handle himself in real social situations.
- A man needs to be conscientious of other people’s feelings. This includes considering her feelings during a conversation, his family’s feelings when referring to them in conversation, and even the waiter or waitress at the restaurant you decided to take her to.
- And finally, a man needs to be stable, emotionally. This means that he is not stressed, jealous of other guys, or cranky after work. It doesn’t matter if you have had the best or worst day of your life – women like a man who can maintain emotional neutrality (stability).
As a side note of interest, the woman in this study only had to have the characteristic of being ‘agreeable’ to receive the greatest amount of sex. But we’d imagine that agreeing to sex would get any woman a lot more of it, so there is not as much surprise to this finding.
About Dr. Eric J. Leech
Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.