10 Movies with the Best Sex Scenes

It is always a pleasant surprise to be watching a mainstream film from a gifted director – and within a span of just 15 to 30-seconds, you find yourself completely turned on by the feast of flesh and lust being splashed across a screen. Many of these movie sex scenes may have even come pre-approved by fancy critics like Roger Ebert and David Edelstein, so there’s nothing to feel guilty about.

What we suggest makes these types of movie sex scenes stand out is a combination of shock value, skin value, fantasy, and celebrity curiosity. Because let’s face it – not many of us will ever get the chance to do the deed with a Hollywood celebrity (even if it is staged).

So we consulted with the vast number of armchair experts on the subject to find the video and movies with best sex scenes, and we were pleasantly surprised by the number of classics that Hollywood has let slip through their R-rated vault. We may claim there is only 10 but in reality, we are paying tribute to over 20 of the best sex scenes that have ever had the privilege to tease our fancy – and to tell you the truth, we don’t feel bad for lying just a bit. And we don’t think you’ll mind either.


And because we think the above armchair critics missed a few of the classic best sex scenes of all time, we’d like to nominate the Margot Robbie sex scene as one of the best of our generation.

And we can’t forget about the Monica Bellucci sex scene.

Nor could we leave this list without a solid mention of the Friends With Benefits sex scene, featuring Mila Kunis. You’re welcome!

About Doc Hollandaise

Lover, fighter, and bona fide sex expert.

About Doc Hollandaise

Lover, fighter, and bona fide sex expert.