A Portmanteaus is a clever combination of two words used to create a completely new and innovative way to describe something that would normally take you much longer to do using laymen terms. So, to save you from visiting the Urban Dictionary to seek these words out for yourself, we’ve picked out a few of the essentials for the everyday urban man.
BeerBoarding – extract secret information from a colleague by getting them drunk
DudeVorce – when two bros officially end their friendship
NonVersation – a worthless conversation
AfterClap – the last to clap after everyone stopped
NerdJacking – a conversation filled with unnecessary detail and passion to an otherwise uninterested person
Ambitchous – striving to be more of a bitch than just your average bitch
CellFish – someone that continues to talk on their phone to be rude to others
HiberDating – when someone ignores friends in favour of the one their dating
ChairDrobe – the act of piling clothes on a chair instead of putting in a closet or dresser
Unlightening – learning new things that actually make you dumber
Askhole – a person that asks an endless amount of stupid, pointless or obnoxious questions