Some of the simplest inventions in the world are probably some of your most favorite. In fact, I bet some of the most precious things that you enjoy every single day probably have no glimmer, no glamour, little praise, but you would miss them dearly should you ever wake up and find them gone.
I’m talking about things like your deodorant, comb, White Album, or your morning cup of joe. Have you ever thought about all the steps that go into making a single cup of coffee? There are so many–and so many things to clean-up afterwords, you would think it was somewhat of an archaic ritual. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.
The Java Wand basically turns any cup into your brewing station, and the wand itself becomes your delivery pipe. So what you do is dump your favorite coffee grounds directly into a cup, pour in some hot water, and let the wand strain out the coffee bits as you drink. Our team had the opportunity to sample a Java Wand throughout the summer, and our verdict is that it is a pretty nifty little gadget for $20.
It does exactly what it says it will do… It filters out the coffee grounds, delivers a great cup of joe, and the cleanup afterwards is as easy as rinsing out the wand and a cup. We tested it at home, in the office, on the road, and even tried it with a cup of afternoon tea. Now, the Keurig is a pretty fantastic invention, removing the necessity of dealing with messy filters and coffee pots. However, the Java Wand removes the machine all together, simplifying the process down to just two steps: 1. Heat water. 2. Drink.
The only thing that we would recommend is to rinse your glass wand as soon you are finished using it, otherwise it can be a little more difficult to clean. However, should your wand ever get a little too dirty for your liking, we found that it can be cleaned by soaking it in some vinegar or using a pipe cleaner as a scrub brush.
The morning cup of joe has always been good. However, a morning cup without all the cleanup is… just a little bit better.
Get yours here.
About Dr. Eric J. Leech
Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.