This past Sunday I stopped to use my ATM at Citibank in South Beach, and left my car in the parking lot while I walked two blocks to grab a coffee. By the time I returned, my car was jacked up and on its way out because the ambiguously worded parking sign read that customers could park, “while doing business”. Surely I could show the tow guy my ATM receipt and it would be all over, right? Wrong, because he said that “while” meant, if and only if, you are using the ATM can you park on this blessed piece of pavement.
Parking in Miami Beach is a circle of the Inferno Dante didn’t live long enough to write about. A hundred yard walk for coffee was about to cost me $347. No joke.
Having worked in social media, I questioned how dignified it would be to post my outrage on Twitter at Citi, but I was like:
There’s one thing a guy can do to stick it back to the man, and by “man”, I mean the man’s social media manager. Twitter has turned into a digital fist to knock out corporate employees picking a fight with you. In this case, the tow guy served as a piece of Citi. I was able to get my money back from the tow company by addressing my concerns on Twitter with Citi’s very responsive social team. Here’s a short guide to picking your battles on Twitter with larger corporate entities:
About Jason Wilson
Jason Wilson is a creative innovator trying to learn everything he can about this hectic vortex called life. He currently perform freelance social media, PR and web promotion strategies. Follow Jason on Twitter: @JasontheJumbo