Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi has been asking the question, “What makes a life worth living,” for the past 40 years. Within such a discovery would lie the happiness of your relationships, marriage, and even your job. While there has been no so-called light bulb moment where he can say that he truly knows the secret to a fulfilling life and career, he does know enough to bring you closer to it than you might be now.
A few of the keys to being happy in your career is to be completely involved in what you are doing. In other words, you must feel like what you are doing is important, and be rewarding in itself beyond the pay you receive (yes, this is a difficult, but achievable). You must also be curious enough to learn everything there is to know about your career. In other words, the task of furthering your education should never be seen as a burden.
The reason this is important, is that in order to reach the point of “flow” in your career, you must constantly be challenging yourself. The definition of this mysterious “flow” is the sweet spot between being bored with monotony and feeling too anxious due to over-challenging yourself to the point of wanting to give up.
Flow is something we should all strive to achieve in our careers, as it will result in everlasting pleasure and satisfaction for your effort. It is within this introduction that you can probably see that there is not one single answer for every man, as your flow is a very individual thing. The most important thing is that you continue to ask the questions that build your curiosity.
This is because the path to a happy career is not within the answers you seek, but the questions that arouse your excitement to learn more about them. There are many things in this world that you and I will never know, and this is the spice that drives career fulfillment, so long as you choose to never stop seeking enlightenment.
Please allow Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi to expand on the importance of going with the flow.
About Dr. Eric J. Leech
Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.