Three Things Women Want Men to Know


It is true that if women would just come right out and tell men what it is they want–the world would be a much better place. However, women prefer men to do the work for themselves. Why? Because it shows compassion, confidence, diligence, and maturity. So, you could either do all the work it takes to understand a woman, or read this series, and learn all this insider information without even breaking a sweat. It’s up to you.

Tip 1: You Don’t Share Enough– You’ve probably heard it before, but hopefully this is the final blow that really drives the message home. Women love men who share things with them. They want to know about the billboard that gave you a woody on the way to work; the guy who cut you off, and made you spill your coffee. As meaningless as all this may seem, it actually means the world to a woman.

Tip 2: Sensitive Men Suck– A few years ago every girl was talking about needing a  sensitive  man. And then something interesting started to happen–they began to find them. They had to wipe their tears, make all the decisions, and change their diapers. Today, women much prefer a strong man, so put all those fuzzy sweaters and cardigans back in their Christmas box, and burn them in your back yard.

Tip 3: Guys Who Cook are Sexy– Research suggests that women have two brains. There is the one in her head, and lesser known one in her stomach. When a woman is giddy in love with a guy, where does this feeling originate? In her stomach. Research suggests that when a man is able to cook for his woman–and satisfy her lower brain, she will see him in a more positive light, because you will be gaining approval from at least one of her two brains. Here’s a quick pasta recipe to get you started.

About Doc Hollandaise

Lover, fighter, and bona fide sex expert.

About Doc Hollandaise

Lover, fighter, and bona fide sex expert.