Why in the Hell You Need a Smart Watch?


Technology is advancing at a lightning pace. At least we hope it is advancing, and not just creating a lazier race of people. At this very moment, there are more gimmicks and gadgets than you could shake a laser wand at. However, while a smart watch may at first seem like just another retro-tech fad trying to relive the days of when having a calculator on your wrist seemed useful, it may actually have a place in your future after all.

Watches are a fashion accessory. They look great, can compliment an outfit, and they are a statement about its wearer. They also happen to be one of the most convenient ways to keep on schedule. Sure, your phone can do the same task, but can it beat the flick of your wrist? We highly doubt it.

The What and Why?
Cue the runway music, as we await the upcoming swarm of wrist gadgets, hurriedly being prepared to compliment your life. We’re talking about Samsung, Apple, and Google, among others… So, why in the hell would you need one?

Let us count the ways:

One, a smart watch will allow you stay connected with virtual reality, without taking you too far away from your actual reality. In other words, it will enable you to check your messages, Facebook, and Twitter  without getting bogged down in other apps. Two, considering these will be resting directly on your pulse, they could easily be used along with health apps to aid you in daily exercise, calorie counting, and monitoring your overall progress (similar to a Fitbit).

Three, most experts suggest these watches may also double as a power supply for your other gadgets; especially considering they will be a low-energy technology. And finally, a smart watch will enable you to be discrete with your social media engagements, as is the plan for Google Glass. However, if you really think about it,  a fashionable watch would be much less intrusive on your life.

…So, what do you think? Do you want one or what?

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.