4 Worst Foods for Ripped Abs


Ripped abs are not an everyday event. You don’t just spend an hour and a half in the gym five days a week, and they appear like clockwork. If that were true, most guys would have them. No, it is a landmark to pull up your shirt, and have six golden rolls of perfectly toned muscle rise to the top, rather than three Subway sandwiches, and a roll of Oreo’s. We could tell you what you need to eat to get those abs, but today, we’re going to focus on the four foods that are probably undoing all the good you are doing throughout the day.

  1. Sugar– Yeah, you knew this was going to be on the list. Sugar is a candidate for such current diseases as cancer and diabetes, and it will also make you fat when taken to excess. This is because every time you eat sugar, it releases insulin in the blood. This stuff makes it very difficult for the body to burn fat, and the result is excess pudge around the midsection.
  2. Fructose (Fruit)– We’re not going to say that a little fruit is bad, but most people take the “10 fruits and vegetables” on the daily health chart to mean, one carrot, two bananas, grapes, three oranges, and two kiwis. Unfortunately, it should be the opposite. This is because of the high sugar (fructose) content in most fruit. If it is not used right away as energy (which it usually isn’t), it will be converted to fat (same as sugar), which will kiss your chances of getting those ripped abs goodbye.
  3. Them Damn Cows– Dairy is another bad choice when looking to loose excess fat. This is because it is a highly insulinotropic substance, which is nerd-in-white-coat talk for suggesting the increased insulin created in the body to process the dairy, may limit the bodies ability to breakdown fat. I mentioned this earlier, but it will pay you with a leaner midsection to say it again. Now, you don’t have to cut all dairy out, but I’d severely limits its intake.
  4. Magic Grains– Anybody who has ever spent a month trying to avoid the Gluten that is found in wheat and oats will quickly discover… it is damn hard! This is because practically everything in the North American diet is full of the stuff. We’re talking about hamburgers, pasta, tacos, french fries, bagels, and bread. However, something very magical happens over that one month as you struggle to avoid these foods. Your body becomes a fat burning machine. That excess weight that has been clinging to you for years, suddenly begins to melt away. You may be wondering what you can eat, since this would require making quite an overhaul on most peoples diet. Well, quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes can still be on your list, and if you do some searching, you’ll discover recipes to make most of your old favorites using a variety of substitutes.


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About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.