24-Hours to Perfect Health


If you think the title of this article is referring to the idea of following a few simple guidelines to be in perfect health… you would be wrong. What this article is actually trying to accomplish, is to make you realize just how much work goes into staying healthy for one single day. At best, most of us guys are able to pick and choose  at least a couple body parts we want to maintain (heart ticking… check! peppy tingling… check!). However, let’s just assume that it is possible to accomplished everything over one single 24-hour period.

15.5 hours to go– Your Awake, and you have already lost 8.5 hours of your day. This is because every man, woman, and child is recommended to get no less than 8 hours of sleep a day. Getting enough sleep will protect your body from cancer, heart ailments, organ failure, diabetes, and a host of other stuff you don’t want. Okay, okay… we get it!

14 hours– At this point you will have done your morning stretching/exercise (40 minutes), took a shower (10 minutes), brushed your teeth (10 minutes of work if you want to avoid gingivitis), and made a healthy breakfast (30 minutes). You’ll have to make this breakfast by hand if you want it to be healthy, as those grab and go McMuffins are going to kill you someday.

5 hours– If you are going to reduce stress, and afford all the healthy organic foods/vitamins you need to buy to be healthy, you’re going to need a full-time job. You are also going to need to take an hour lunch break to take your walk, brush your teeth again (don’t forget to floss), do some yoga for stress, and then get yourself something natural and organic to eat.

3.5 hours– Oops, I almost forgot that most guys have to commute at least 1.5 hours to and from work each and every day. If you live even farther, then you better put that pedal to the medal son!

2 hours– Most doctors recommend an exercise program for men, involving a combination of aerobics and strength training. If you go to a gym, you’ll have to really be strict to keep this contained within just 1.5 hours.

1 hour– Your body is depleted, and you need to refuel. You need a balanced, organic, and healthy combination of protein, vegetables, carbohydrates (take it easy on the processed flour), and some healthy fat. the best way to do this is to make your dinner from scratch, which you will be hard pressed to do in just 1 hour.

40-minutes– You can’t leave those dished in the sink, or it will rob your day tomorrow, so grab a brush and set to work. If you can find a woman to do the dirty work for you… she’s a keeper!

30 minutes– You tried to get some nookie with your remaining 40 -minutes, as your doctor says it’s good for your prostate. However, your woman is too pooped from doing all those dishes. Maybe tomorrow.

20 minutes– You are supposed to relax and unwind each and every day to de-stress, and allow the body to prepare for sleep. It’s a damn shame you only had 10 minutes. Actually, your woman was probably talking the whole time, so you are probably even more stressed than you were while at work. Oh well!

10 minutes– Those damn teeth need brushed, flossed, and massaged again. Remember, you are not only doing it to keep them, but to avoid the plethora of other problems that comes from a dirty mouth, such as inflammation and heart failure.

1 minute– You put on your suitjamas, grabbed a good book, and now you realize you have about one minute to count some damn sheep, and fall asleep.

There, you see how easy it is to be healthy!


Getting Healthy – You Are What You Eat

Rev Up Your Metabolism

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.

About Dr. Eric J. Leech

Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created Urbasm.com, a site for every guy.