Don’t be intimated by the massive 600 pages of Time Ferriss’s newest offering, The 4-Hour Chef. Ferriss has suffered the intimidation for you, and what you may see before you as a giant block of literary fruitcake, it is actually “a labor of love and hate and sweat and blood and tears.”
Ferris has asked some of the top chefs of our generation to share with him the fundamentals of cooking. This book is like asking a mechanic how to build the most fantastic Ford Gremlin in the history of the automobile, and the mechanic simply says, “Why go through all that trouble when you could buy an M1 BMW, and save yourself all that time, money, and trouble.”
This is one book you will not need to read from cover to cover, as Ferriss has broke down the basics of cooking into simple adventures. For instance, what we did was look through the index, pick out a cooking adventure to learn about, like, cooking a squirrel, and then we jumped right in, spatula first.
Is this book going to transform you into a master chef?
Probably not.
Is it going to entertain, while making you think about your own life, and how Ferriss’s discovery of cooking can influence you to take on something that intimidates you, and turn it into a success story?
Hell yes!
If you are a fan of Tim, we highly recommend this book. If you have never read him, this is a great introduction to his philosophy on meta-learning, which is the art of learning how to master your own learning. This may sound complex until you scrape a squirrel off the sidewalk, and throw him on the barbecue. It is at that point the stars will align, and you’ll realize what can be accomplished with a little rosemary and about “4-hours” of your time.
Thanks Tim!
About Dr. Eric J. Leech
Eric has written for over a decade. Then one day he created, a site for every guy.